Recently we showed you how you can add Gangnam Style like fancy emoticons on Facebook Chat and add images on your Facebook Chat with smileytime. But do you know that you can also add Facebook Profile pictures as emoticons in Facebook Chat. Yes Facebook profile pictures, the same that Facebook users and brands are using on their Facebook profile. Yes that is possible and official now, no need to use third party addon or any online converter to turn Facebook profile pictures into emoticons. The trick is so simple and anyone can use ti on the Facebook chat easily. With this way you can mention your Friend profile, brand name as a Emoticons on your Facebook chat.
So lets take a look how this simple and small trick will work and how Facebook Chat lets you create tiny emoticons from Facebook profile pictures. The guide is pretty simple and doesn’t take so much time to implement on your Facebook chat. Follow the guide step by step to use Facebook Profile Pictures as Emoticons in Facebook Chat.
How to Use Facebook Profile Pictures as Emoticons in Facebook Chat
Step 1. Login to You Facebook account with your username and password and Go to The Facebook chat windows and start the chatting with your friend.
Step 2. Now to add the Facebook Profile Pictures as Emoticons, Go to the Profile page of your Friend or Brand, Check the URL in the address bar of your browser. Look for the Facebook username or profile id at the end of the URL. Example From here you have to copy the the username of the Facebook profile page or Facebook Brand Page.

Step 3. Now you have the Facebook profile or Facebook page username with you, now all you have to mention the username on your Facebook chat with double box brackets like [[this]] Example [[]]and press enter. Now you can clearly see a small image appeared in the chat corresponding to the profile ID or Facebook ID.

That’s it, now the profile pic is added on the Facebook chat. If you want to add more symbols on your Facebook chat then read this guide Add Symbols on Facebook Status and add lots of new symbols on your Facebook. Looking for more Facebook tips and trick, click here.
I did the same but couldnot succeed.
Add Your Profile name between [[name]] without space