Extensions and addon are always helpful to add more productivity and extra feature on your browser or desktop. In our previous articles, we shared lots of extension and ad-dons which allows you to get Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Reddit, Flickr notification on Chrome and get new Gmail email alert on desktop. Today, I want to share a new Google chrome addon called Fruumo Notifier. Fruumo Notifier is a new addon in Google chrome store, which allows you to check for Facebook updates and view the latest posts or news by watching desktop notifications. No need to open the Facebook page on your browser to check all kind of incoming notification, you will see all of them on your desktop taskbar. With this way you will get all the latest updates on your desktop like recent comment on your post, Photo posted by your friends, status comments, post on your timeline, even when your browser is closed. Currently the addon only supports the Facebook, but more services will be added later on the addon.
To use this all you need a Google chrome browser and the Fruumo Notifier. You can download the Fruumo Notifier addon from the Google chrome web store or add it to your chrome browser from below mention link. Once the addon is installed on your Google chrome browser and it will automatically detect your facebook account if you’re currently signed in. Otherwise you have to add you Facebook account manually to this addon. To go this, Go to your Google chrome tools > Extensions and Fruumo Notifier option.

Once all set, You can use this free Google chrome addon to stay in touch with your Facebook page without having to manually check the website or opening the Facebook on your browser. So, Whenever next time you will received any notification on your Facebook profile, it will show you the desktop notification on your task bar. Each notification show the name of the persona and message that you received on your Facebook page.

Just right click on this popup to read the full message on your browser windows to simple click the cross button to close the notification popup on your desktop. If you don;t want the notification from your account, you can do this easily without permanently disabling or removing the extension. Just right click on the Fruumo Notifier icon from the taskbar and select the Quiet mode option, this will disable the notification for few hours or for a day.

Overall, the extension is very helpful if you don’t want to open your Facebook page again and again to check all your notification, Just install the addon and get all the notification automatically on your desktop.
Install Fruumo Notifier from Chrome Web Store
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