As we all are aware with this fact, that whenever we play any YouTube video on Firefox it starts playing automatically and if you are doing some other work on other Firefox tab the YouTube video continues to play in that time unless you go back to the YouTube page and hit the Pause buttons. But now you can solve this problem with the help of YouTube Smart Pause Firefox Addon, it automatically pauses the YouTube video once you leave the page and resumes playback as soon as you return on the same YouTube page. The addon is useful to all users who are mostly watching the YouTube Web guides and Game walk through on the Firefox and follow the same guide on the other Firefox tab, with this way they can’t miss any part of the video without using the pause and play button of the YouTube video player.
In simple words when you leave the YouTube page the video pauses automatically and when you came back to same page the video will play automatically.
Read Also: Upload YouTube Videos Using Email or Mobile Device
All you have to install the YouTube Smart Pause addon on your Firefox browser and you are ready to use this addon. You can find the download link of the addon at the end of this post. Once the addon is installed on your device, you can see the play and pause favicon on the Youtube Firefox tab page, whenever you left the YouTube page the Favicon will turn in to pause button and whenever you came back it turns into the play icon.
From the settings of addon you can make lots of changes like Switch the mode from visibility to focus, set a delay time to pause videos etc. Not only this the YouTube Smart Pause addon can also be disabled through the right-click context menu when a video is playing. Just right click on the YouTube page and hit the “Disbale YouTube Smart Pause”.

A nice Firefox addon to pause YouTube video automatically, so next time when you leave the Firefox page the video will pause autoimatically and plays the video automatically when you came back to the same YouTube page to watch the video.
Download YouTube Smart Pause FireFox Addon
via -GHacks