6. Makezine

Make magazine is a fascinating site full of how to guides, tutorials, tips and many extremely eclectic.

The Wired How To Wiki is a site full of technology tutorials, hacks, tricks and tips. that help you figure out how to do it yourself.

Find articles from experienced contributors on how to do just about anything.
9. WonderHowTo

A human-edited collection of video tutorials from more than 1700 websites.
10. MindBites

Watch how-to videos or create your own to earn money.
11. VideoJug

How to videos for just about everything in life.
Hi there! It’s Azmat Ilahi here. You have done a great job. Your web work is really marvelous. It shows your intellect and command over the niche of your interest.
Some great sites here. Thanks for the post
There is so much information that you can get from a computer. With the Windows operating system you can solve any problem.
Great list. Some sites I never heard of before.
Thanks for including a link to The Sushi Eating HOWTO. I update the page about once every 90 days or so.
Helpful guide showing the web sites worth visiting.
Really a great job. Keep it up.
A. S. Bhasker Raj
Wonderful collection to keep me busy learning all that I have always wanted to do and become adept at!
Thank you so much Admin, for keeping my LIfe Active and Enjoyable!
Hey, thanks for this post. I keep digging different web pages for my knowledge purpose. This list is great especially “instructable”. I liked it.
great information and very useful for me