Running out of space on Your Windows 8, Windows 7 or Vista PC. Do you know that main cause of these problems are Junk Files, Temporary files and caches. If you are in the same situation and running out of space from your Windows PC. Here is the guide which help you to clean up your Windows Hard drive easily. JFRemover is a small utility app which helps you to remove all these file easily and safely.
With this app your windows will run faster and help you gain tons of hard drive space. It help you to remove all type of caches and file such as Browsers (Temporary Internet Files/Cache, History, Cookies), Microsoft Office, Windows Temp, User Temp, Adobe Products, Apple/iTunes, Java, Skype, Windows Media Player, and many many more. The app will run all the windows version and easy to use.
Download the app on your windows 8 PC, no need to install the app on your PC, because it is a portable app. Launch the app n your desktop. Click the agree button and you can see the new windows on your screen. From here you have to configure the option which you wan to use on your Windows PC.

Click the Option Button from the app, here you can see three different tabs on the app Browser, Windows and Application. In Browsers tab you can delete Temporary Internet Files/Cache, History, Cookies of all your browsers.

Second tab is Windows, here you can select which of Windows logs and records you would like to have wiped. All the windows temp files, cache and prefetch folder takes so much space on your Windows Hard drive, So from here you can select the programs you want cleaned.

Last Option is Application, which gives you the option to remove all the unwanted files which app are using on your PC. From here you can remove all the unwanted caches and cookies from your PC.

After selecting the option from the app click Save followed by Close. Go back to the App main window and check the Analyze box on the window, To check to see how much disk space you could claim back and then click the Clean button. Within a few minutes all you Junk files, Cache, Unwanted files are remove on your Windows PC.
At the end app keeps your system drive information at the top to show you the total space the drive has by default and the free space the drive has now. Try this free app yourself on your windows PC and let us know what you think in the comments below.