Now you can like and Comment on Facebook from your Email and also reply the tweets from your email with the help of PowerInbox Firefox and Chrome extension. With the helps of this free addon you quickly comment and add reply on your Facebook and twitter posts. Just open your emails and immediately comment and like Facebook photos you’re tagged in, tweet your latest updates. All you can do this at one place from your email box.
With this addon you can reply to your Facebook messages, view and comment on statues, photos, and wall posts, accept friend requests, send birthday wishes. And on twitter you can retweet, send DM, reply to nay tweet and more. All you can do this from your Email.
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All you have to do is install the PowerInbox extension on your chrome and Firefox browser to use this service on your email. After the installation you have to restart the browser to activate the addon. After that i will ask you to enter the email address that you are using.

Now you will receive an email on your mail account to get started with the PowerInbox services. Also you can see the new PowerInbox icon on top of the Gmail. From here click on the Inbox, Compose and Sidebar Option to see the status of Facebook and Twitter Messages on your Gmail.

It time to configure your Facebook and Twitter Account with Power Inbox, now you can see the new Powerinbox Sidebar on your Gmail inbox on the right hand side, Add the Facebook and twitter service by selecting the icons from the sidebar and login with your Facebook and twitter account, to get started.

That’s It now you can comment and reply on your Facebook and Twitter from the sidebar of your email or from the compose message.

Or Reply from the inbox.

PowerInbox is compatible with Outlook and Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and RockMelt.
PowerInbox for FireFox
PowerInbox for Chrome