From last few days am active on my Google+ profile and find lots of useful stuffs and guide. Google+ is one of the best way to communicate with other Google+ users and also gain valuable relevant traffic for your website and blog. It is right and very effective place to share your thoughts, articles publicly or privately. All you have to do is start sharing the post and start communicating
with other Google+ members to get good exposure on Google+. Not only this you will join some of the best Google+ Communities, add Friends on your circles, re-share posts, send direct message to your friend etc.
Unlike Twitter and Facebook, Google+ accepts long post and allows to format the fonts in your posts. One more thing which we like most on Google+ is the notification system, whenever some one mention you on Google+ or comment on your post, you will receive the notification on your Gmail account or you will see the notification icon on the Google toolbar. From that notification panel or Gmail email you can easily communicate with that post without opening the Google+ page on the new tab. Read out post here How to Comment and Post to Google+ Plus Directly From Gmail.
If you are new to Google+ and doesn’t know much more about Google+ posts. Don’t worry, today here we present you a nice Google+ tips and tricks Infographic which helps you to understand the features of Google+. Here you will find some nice tips like Google+ Post text Formatting, Disable Comments on post, Send DM directly from Google+, embed post on website and blogs.

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Do you need any other help using Google+? Let me know in the comments! Or join our Google+ Page here for more update on Google+ tips and other How to guides.