Transfer Old iPad Data to New iPad

Have you bought the Apple New iPad and want to transfer all your Old iPad data to New iPad without any problems. Its easy to do, for this you don,t need any cables, you can do this easily with your WiFi connection and iCloud. With the help of iCloud you can Backup your Old iPad and transfer it to the New iPad. It allows you to take the backup of all Purchased music, apps, and books, Photos and video in camera roll, Device settings, App data, Home screen and app organization, Messages (iMessage, SMS, MMS) and Ringtones.

Transfer Old iPad Data to New iPad
Transfer Old iPad Data to New iPad

How to Backup Your Old iPad

To do this all you need a iCloud account and WiFi connection. With iCloud you can backup upto 5GB data. Which is the very easy method to take all the backup of your old iPad. You can also read our tutorial How to Setup iCloud in iPad here. Here’s how to backup data:-

How to Backup Your Old iPad
How to Backup Your Old iPad

Connect to the Wi-Fi and go to the Settings > iCloud. Now from here you can select the data which you want to backup. To be safe, turn all of them on. Now tap Storage and Backup > Manage Storage, and select your device from the list.

How to Restore Data to the New iPad

Now you have the backup of your Old iPad data and ready to setup the new iPad. Now upon powering up your new iPad for the first time, You’ll now be faced with three choices: set up as new iPad, restore from iCloud, or restore from iTunes back up.

How to Restore Data to the New iPad
How to Restore Data to the New iPad

Now select the restore from iCloud option to restore all your Old iPad data to new iPad. Be patient while your apps, photos, settings, music, contacts, and videos are restored onto your new device.

Once the restore is complete, you are ready to use your new iPad. Now you have all the old iPad data on your new iPad. Also Bookmark this complete iPad guide for more how to and tips.

Rajesh Rajput is Tech Blogger, who loves to write about Android Tips, How to Guides, Reviews, ROMs, and more.

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