Last month Xiaomi introduced the Anti Roll Back feature in Redmi Note 5 pro. Which means that new the Redmi Note 5 user can’t able to downgrade to the older version of the MIUI. If you try to do so then your phone will be hard bricked. But most of the Redmi Note 5 pro are still confused about this feature and they are blank that what to do and how to be safe with this new Anti Roll Back feature. And from that day we are getting so many questions on Our Youtube Channel and Telegram Group the How to downgrade, How can I go to Custom ROM, Can I go to this ROM without bricking the phone. So here in this guide, we are covering all the Question related to Anti Roll Back On Redmi Note 5 Pro.
Read the whole guide very carefully and do check out the video in the guide to know more about the downgrade, Anti-roll back, ARB 4, ARB 3 and custom ROMS. So in this guide, you will know which ROM are safe and which are now. How to downgrade and how to upgrade Redmi Note 5 Pro without Breaking the device. So let’s get started and know about this black dragon called Anti Roll Back.
What is Anti Roll Back and How to be Safe
As per the Xiaomi Announcement, the new Verified Boot changes in Android 8.0 Oreo will prevent a device from booting should it be rolled back to an earlier firmware. The new feature is called Rollback Protection. So if your phone is flashed with older software, you (and your data) are protected from whatever potential security vulnerabilities may have been present in earlier versions. And if someone tried to roll back your phone will be bricked.
How to Check ARB Version on Phone
Download the Platform Tools folder here. Unzip it and open the command prompt window in the Folder. Now boot your phone in fastboot mode, to do this first power off your phone and Hold the Volume Down + Power button.
Now connect your phone to the PC with USB cable and run the following command.
fastboot getvar anti
Here you will now that you are on ARB 4 or ARB 3.
How to install TWRP on ARB 4 Note 5 pro
The guide little bit different to install TWRP on ARB 4 devices. Check this guide on how to install TWRP on ARB 4 Note 5 pro.
How to install TWRP on ARB 3 Note 5 pro
Check this guide on how to install TWRP on ARB 4 Note 5 pro.
Which ROM are on ARB 4 in Note 5 Pro
In GLobal Beta All ROM including MIUI 10 8.7.12 and above have the ARB 4.
In Global Stable, All ROM including MIUI9 9.5.19 and above have the ARB 4.
Which ROM are on ARB 3 in Note 5 Pro
In Global Beta, Only MIUI 10 8.7.5 is on ARB 3.
In Stable MIUI9 9.5.17 and all the ROM below this version is on ARB 3.
Can I Flash Custom ROM on MIUI ARB 4
Yes, you can flash any custom on your phone. This will not brick your phone. But in case if you want to go back to the MIUI again then go to the ARB 4 MIUI ROM. If you are trying to flash the ARB 3 MIUI, then your phone will be bricked.
Can I Flash Custom ROM on MIUI ARB 3
Yes, you can flash any custom on your phone. This will not brick your phone. But in case if you want to go back to the MIUI again then go to the ARB 3 MIUI ROM. If you are trying to flash the ARB 4 MIUI, then you can flash it. This will not brick your phone. But now you are in a relationship with the black dragon called ARB 4 (LOL). So now you are in ARB 4. Stay Safe.
Is it Possible to Lock and Unlock Bootloader on ARB 4 and ARB 3 MIUI
Yes, it is. Anti-rollback has nothing to do with lock and unlock the bootloader. You can do it on any MIUI version.
Can I install Masik 2.1, Masik, 2.5 or any other MASIK update
Yes, you can flash Masik on any Device whether it is ARB 3 or ARB 4. Masik ROM doesn’t have the ARB feature. So you can install it any time.
Can I flash Customized MIUI rom like MIUI MS, MIUI HM on ARB 4 and ARB 3
See some of them are ARB free. So before flashing any Customize ROM, check out their official site or forum. If you don’t know how to check, then open the Google page on your phone and search for the Customize MIUI ROM name and you will get all the details. Or you can visit our group and chat with our admins.
Is it possible to remove ARB 4 and ARB 3
No, it will not possible.
How to Downgrade Redmi Note 5 pro
Check this guide here you will find all the detail about Downgrade. Read the whole guide carefully to understand about the Downgrade process.
Can I Switch between China and Global MIUI ARB 4 Rom
Yes, you can switch without any problem if you are on the same ARB 4. Only downgrading from ARB 4 to ARB 3 will brick your phone.
What happened If if install ARB 3 on ARB 4 MIUI
Don’t try to do that, this will hard brick your phone. And the only solution to fix this hard bricked issue is to visit the MI service center or follow this guide. UnBrick Hard Bricked Redmi Note 5 Pro [Anti-rollback]
How to Upodate to MIUI 10
Here is the full guide to update your Xiaomi phone to the latrest build of MIUI 10.
ROMs with Anti-Rollback Enabled (v4)
Global Stable whyred_Global | Global Developer HMNote5HMNote5ProGlobal | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ROMs with Anti-Rollback Disabled (v3)
Global Stable whyred_Global | Global Developer HMNote5HMNote5ProGlobal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What about in redmi note 5 Vince