Convert Vine Videos into Animated GIF with VineGifR App

Vine is the new app by twitter, it helps you to create short 6 seconds video to post on twitter streamline. Recently twitter launched this video service to its user to post short videos on twitter easily. And now the Twitter engineer Esten Hurtle come with the new MAC app VineGifR, which helps you to convert Vine videos into an animated GIF file. With he help of this small free app you can easily convert these 6 second Vine videos to GIF animations, so that you can easily share it on any website.

Its simple to use all you have to download the VineGifR app on your MAC to convert any Vine video into animation. To convert the video in to Gif you need a valid Vine link to turn the short video into a GIF. Once you have the video link you ready to convert those video with the help of VineGifR app.

Convert Vine Videos into Animated GIF with VineGifR app

Open the app on your MAC and copy the vine video link with http:// and paste it in to the URL field of the VineGifR app, and click ‘GIF’it.


After this the app will ask you where to save the GIF and to give it a name. Choose the folder or destination and give the name to the file to save them a GIF file. After that it will take a minutes convert that video into Gif File. Below is the output of processed Vine video with VineGifr.

That is it! With the help of this free open source app you can create you a GIF animation of 240 x 240 pixels. Still the app is in developing stage, but we’re totally impressed with the results. You can try this free app on your MAC, for windows user you have to wait till the next confirmation from the developer.

Download VineGifR For Mac

[via Mashable]

Rajesh Rajput is Tech Blogger, who loves to write about Android Tips, How to Guides, Reviews, ROMs, and more.