Most of the Windows users aren’t aware with this fact that whenever you delete any files or important data from your PC, they are not fully deleted from your Windows hard disk. Anyone can recover those important files with the help of some free file recovery software such as UndeleteMyFiles Pro. So in that case anyone can recover your important files or personal data easily from your PC. Today in this post we let you know how you can securely and permanently delete files in windows with DeleteOnClick application. DeleteOnClick is free and handy application which provides you the option to delete files permanently from your windows PC, so no one can recover it from your PC. Once a file is ‘Securely Deleted’ no one can undelete it.
As we already mention above that the application is free to download and easy to use, you can find the download link at the end of this post. Once the application is installed on your Windows PC, you can see the new “Securely Delete” option on your right click context menu. From this feature you can permanently deleted any files from your Windows PC. Once the files are deleted no one can undelete it, so you must use the program carefully.
All you have to select the files which you want to delete from your PC, just right click on it and here you can see the “Securely Delete” option. See the Screenshot below:-

Once you select the “Secure Delete” option the delete process will start immediately and a new op windows will appear on your Windows screen asking if you’re sure you want to delete the file or folder. Click the “Yes” option to delete the files.

That’s it now your file or folder is permanently deleted form your hard disk. It is one of the fast and simplest process for permanent data deletion. A nice and handy application for all those users who want to remove those files and folders that you don’t need anymore. The application is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/ Vista/7/8: 32 and 64 bit edition.