How to Access / Open blocked sites on college, office or school? Today in this post i let you know how you can access the blocked sites in safest and easiest way. These days many social media sites are Blocked by the college Administration or Offices. Sites like facebook, twitter, youtube and more. With the below tutorial you can access all the block site easily. Follow these instructions at your own risk, we will not held any responsibility if you’ve breach the regulations of any.
Most of these techniques are really simple and very easy to use no need to add any third party application on your PC and takes only a minute or two to get running these tricks.

How to Access Blocked Site in Simple and Safe Ways
1. Use Google Translate to Open Blocked Sites

Most of the users don’t know that they can use Google translate we service to open all blocked site on PC. All you have to go to the Google Translate page here. All you have to do is enter your blocked site address, select your regional language and hit the click translate button. Now the blocked site is open the Google translate page.
2. Use Online Proxy

There are so many online proxy site which allows you to access blocked site easily. All these proxy sites will fetch the blocked web page from their servers and display them to you. One of the easiest way to open blocked, go to the site and enter the url of site which you want to visit. Here are some URL of Free online proxy sites.
3. Use Google Mobile to Visit Blocked Sites

You can also use the Google mobile page to visit the blocked website. The trick is simple to use and work on most of the sites. All you have to do use this link to visit your blocked websites:-
Type the above web address in your web browser with URL of blocked site and the site will open in your browser. See the screenshot above for the example.
4. Google Cache

Google and Yahoo cache webpages and these cached pages are stored in search engines themselves. So go to the Google search or Yahoo search page and search the site that you are looking for and open the cached version from there. Another easy and safest way to open block site with the help of Google and Yahoo cache.
If you have any other ways that you’ve found, do post a comment below.
Good article, Sidharth. Google Translate usage to access blocked websites is especially ingenious. I only knew about the proxy server and vpn account options. Having tried in the past, I think a VPN account does a good job, but for a price. Proxy servers get me all spooked with security issues.